IHG website for students!

 Latviski По русский In English

Special Rules!

Don`t send bad messages to other class childrens, studens!
If you do that we can ban you in IHG for some time!

Don`t lie and don`t do bad thigs in this website.
For all bad things we can ban you! And your account!
Fake account makers ban for ever!
Komentāri (0)  |  2014-09-20 00:44  |  Skatīts: 469x

Information! - Learn!

In this website you can register your class!
If you think, when you don`t like write every day your homework tasks and your other notes then register your class in this website!
If you don`t want to register then ask IHG administrator for register!
how to ask administrator to register?
So you must need to make your profile!
Press sign in and make your own profile!
Then go in messages and find user administrator!
Then click new message and write all studens what is in your class.
Komentāri (0)  |  2014-09-20 00:37  |  Skatīts: 589x

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